The movie “The Abilify Lawsuit” is based on a true story about the lawsuit filed by a patient who took Abilify. The film was released by Universal Pictures in 2020. It was a commercial and critical success and was nominated for three Academy Awards including one for “Best Motion Picture.”
According to the plaintiff, who was diagnosed with schizophrenia as a teenager, she was prescribed Abilify to help with her sleep problems. However, once taken, the drug became habit forming. By taking it on a daily basis, the plaintiff quickly developed a series of other symptoms that caused her to miss work and family events. She eventually lost her job. She sued her physician’s office and received a lawsuit settlement.
The movie has generated a fair amount of controversy. Some claim the doctor in the movie is out to get money and was not really competent. Others contend the doctors in the movie have a much better track record than the plaintiff’s and would not have been so reckless with her life.
The plaintiff’s attorney, Mark Denton, did not hold back in his criticism of the film. “It is the most disgusting piece of crap I’ve ever seen,” he told CNN. “There are many things that the medical industry does that are not acceptable, but to take a medication to stop a headache without actually trying it out?”
In an interview with USA Today, the plaintiff’s attorney defended the film. He said, “There are people who don’t know that the drugs are addictive. If you take the medication for the first time, you may experience a mild side effect, like drowsiness, or a tingling feeling. But if you take the drug over, the drug will have a negative effect on your brain chemistry and you will start experiencing symptoms like depression, anxiety, mood swings, nervousness, and even violence.
The commercial shows the plaintiff’s attorney calling her mother, grandmother, and sister before she loses all communication. Then we see her sister throwing away her cell phone and her mother sobbing. The grandmother then tells her sister, “I’ll talk to your doctor. I don’t think that your medication is working.”
The lawsuit commercial also depicts a court hearing where a lawyer makes fun of a psychiatrist. In the commercial, the psychiatrist is shown saying, “That is not something you say when you’re trying to save a life.” “It doesn’t matter what you’re saying, it matters what is happening to it.”
Another psychiatrist, the one portrayed as being arrogant and cocky, makes comments about the patient’s behavior and says, “You want to go out and be a recluse or something? Why?” “You can’t change your mind or your behavior.
The medical doctor also gives some advice that sounds rather ridiculous. “If this keeps up, you’ll end up at a psychiatric hospital in a few weeks.” “I’m sure that if you stay in there, they will probably just send you home. to sleep.”
The lawsuit commercial also features a discussion between a psychiatrist and a doctor. In the scene, the psychiatrist is shown reading a prescription pad and the doctor is shown talking about the benefits of using the medication. the drug. Then the psychiatrist asks her, “So you do want to go out and have a good night’s sleep or do you?”
The drug counselor responds, “No, I just need my drugs.” The commercial then shows her telling the patient, “You’re not taking your medications because you can’t sleep.” The counselor then tells her to go to the bathroom and she points to a spot on the wall where there is a white, smelly powder.
In a statement released by the plaintiff’s attorney, Denton called the movie “pathetic” and said it shows the “shocking lack of integrity of the medical profession.” He went on to say, “These commercials show exactly what can go on in a drug-induced haze. In a case where a person is suffering from a severe mental illness and their doctor is willing to use this kind of language, it’s hard to believe anyone would endorse it.”