Risk Reduction Standard Used By Environmental Protection Agency To Lower Carcinogenic Activity In Paint
In case you have become sick from lead paint poisoning, you may have many questions and concerns about how to proceed with your lawsuit. You may even be wondering if it would be worth your time to pursue such a case and receive monetary compensation from the defendant. Before you make that crucial decision, you should consult with experienced lead paint poisoning attorneys. They can explain the details of your case and whether or not it would be worth your effort to pursue it.
First, you should strongly consider contacting the Maryland lead paint poisoning attorneys for a free initial consultation.
These professionals can assess your situation and determine if you have a valid claim to file. Lead paint is an extremely dangerous substance that can lead to lifelong mental and physical problems, especially in pregnant women and children. Even small amounts of the poisonous substance are very hazardous, as they have the potential to affect your nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, and lungs. In fact, prolonged exposure to even low levels of lead can result in brain damage, learning disabilities, and other life-threatening symptoms. It can also be very difficult to prove that you were exposed in this way.
The Environmental Protection Agency limits the level of lead allowed in paint paints and finishes, but the real dangers are often much higher than that.
As a result, many people have been exposed to lead-based paint without realizing it. One common route of exposure comes from drinking water, which is usually treated by companies before it goes down the drain. Many people use home water filters to remove contaminants before using it for drinking or showering. While these devices will filter out some of the contaminants, they won’t necessarily remove lead-based paint hazards.
Another common route of exposure comes through eating food that has been contaminated with lead.
If you had lunch with a friend who had just eaten an apple, you might never realize that the apple contained toxic lead paint. The state of Maryland, where you’ll find much of the Eastern Shore, has specific rules about the safe consumption of fruit. You should contact lead paint poisoning attorneys in your area if you’re concerned about the safety of food that you may have eaten.
The EPA sets maximum safe consumption limits for certain foods, including fruits and vegetables, but it doesn’t always follow that the levels are safe.
In many cases, a level of lead paint poisoning is considered safe, but those levels might be dangerous for a long time. In fact, according to Maryland Poison Control Center statistics, in the last ten years there have been an increasing number of calls from children and adults who have experienced symptoms consistent with lead poisoning. Because children tend to eat more fruits and vegetables than other people, they are more susceptible to toxic levels of lead.
Most common symptoms of this illness include irritation of the digestive tract, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, and joint pain.
Though some people might think they suffered from a stomach bug, in many cases of lead paint poisoning, the symptoms are severe enough to cause hospitalization and intensive treatment. Even if your child develops a fever after eating poisonous fruits or vegetables, this doesn’t necessarily mean that the poisoning has caused permanent harm. Many illnesses can cause temporary symptoms like headaches, achy joints, diarrhea, and stomach pain, so you should consult with Maryland lead paint poisoning attorneys if these symptoms occur after eating toxic vegetables or fruits in the last month.
Other symptoms of exposure to hazardous chemicals include memory loss, learning disabilities, and severe headaches, nausea, and vomiting.
Though there is generally no known lead poisoning risk from drinking public tap water, it can still cause problems in the long term. Over time, exposure to toxic substances can damage the brains of children and cause Attention Deficit Disorder. During the developmental years of children, the effects of exposure to toxic chemicals can play havoc on their physical, mental, and emotional development. Though the majority of these children will outgrow having the symptoms, the effects can affect them for the rest of their lives, affecting their behavior and intellect, and preventing them from living normal and happy lives.
The risk reduction standard used by the Environmental Protection Agency to determine the safe levels of exposure to various chemicals is based on calculations and studies that assume children consume 20 micrograms of lead per pound of bodyweight each day.
Children can experience much higher levels of exposure through their mothers’ exposure to harmful chemicals during pregnancy or while breast feeding. For this reason, children living in homes with undetected lead paint exposure have an increased risk of developing learning and behavioral disorders as well as an increased chance of having Attention Deficit Disorder in the future. Lead paint exposure attorneys are specialists in the protection of the safety of your family from exposure to toxic chemicals.