Showing: 1 - 10 of 252 RESULTS

Understanding Jury Duty in the UK

Every voter in the UK is liable to be called up to perform jury duty. Jurors are picked at random and invited to trials to keep the legal system functioning. Here’s shat you should do if you get a Jury Service Letter. Have you received a letter in the mail telling you that you have …


Securities Lawyer Deskbook

A securities lawyer deskbook contains detailed information about the law that applies to the practice of securities law. The Deskbook is a one-volume reference created by prominent attorneys based on their vast experience. It is a handy tool for compliance officers, corporate executives, and others who are involved in the securities industry. For access to …


John Doherty Lawyer

John Doherty is a Colorado lawyer with over 20 years of experience. He has represented corporate and individual clients in a variety of matters, including real estate and finance. His expertise includes commercial and residential closings, SBA 504 and 7(a) financing, and contractual issues. He has also handled foreclosures and bankruptcy cases. He has a …