personal injury attorney

When you suffer an injury at the hands of another individual, you immediately need a personal injury attorney. They will advise you and your family on how to go about filing the personal injury claim, negotiate with the other party and then file a lawsuit in court. A personal injury lawyer will also review documents and settlements with insurance companies to make sure that you are not entitled to any compensation whatsoever.

A personal injury attorney is a lawyer who specializes in personal injury claims. Personal injury cases include auto accidents, workplace injuries, medical malpractice, slip and falls and defective products.

Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer 

  • Many personal injury lawyers deal with car accidents, but they also handle malpractice, workplace injuries and medical malpractice cases. Car accident injury cases include vehicular and pedestrian injuries; sometimes passengers get hurt in a car accident and some die.
  • If the other driver intentionally rams into your car, you may be entitled to pay for the medical bills and the damages to your car. If the accident was caused by another person, you may be able to recover damages for pain and suffering, lost wages, disfigurement and permanent damage to the body or emotions.
  • The personal injury lawyers also handle cases of workplace accidents, which include accidents caused by equipment, machinery or chemicals at work. If you work in a manufacturing company, you may have a case if you are harmed because of faulty equipment.
  • If you are injured on the job, you should seek legal representation from a reputable law firm as soon as possible to ensure that you receive full compensation.
  • In most personal injury cases, the insurance company will settle the matter out of court. However, this is not always the best option. A settlement between the insurance company and the person filing the lawsuit allows the company to avoid the expense and risk of going to trial.
  • This results in a lower cost for the insurance company, and they will settle out of court. If you choose to go to trial, you may lose your case – but it is better than losing everything you have.
  • There is no proof, however, that settling out of court is necessarily safer for the insurance company or the defendant. In many cases, the defendant may resort to tactics that are unethical or mean-spirited to intimidate the victim and settle the case quickly to avoid having to go to trial.
  • When personal injury law is involved, these cases often end up going to trial. Your personal injury lawyer will advise you whether you should go to trial or settle the matter quickly.


Personal injuries are serious issues that affect many people every day. These injuries are due to medical negligence, as well as from work-related accidents or traumatic events. Some people live with lifelong limitations because of this type of injury. A personal injury attorney at The Walthew Law Firm who specializes in personal injuries can assist their clients and ensure that they receive the most effective care.

If you have suffered a personal injury, contact an attorney who has experience representing patients who have suffered from this type of injury. A good attorney will help you obtain the compensation you deserve.