How to Choose the Best Louisville DUI Attorney Jason Brown. Have you recently been arrested for a DUI charge in Louisville, Kentucky? If so, you may be wondering if you should hire a Louisville DUI attorney. The answer to this question is that it really depends. You should know that there are many different factors that can determine whether or not you should consult a lawyer when you have been arrested.
For instance, does your criminal defense law firm have experience with the circuit court of appeals? You may think that you would not need an attorney to defend yourself if the court found you guilty but you do not always know what happens next. You may end up with a suspended license or worse yet, a hefty fine. This can put your business and your job in jeopardy.
Louisville DUI Attorney Jason Brown
Additionally, do you have an attorney that is familiar with how the process works in the state of Kentucky? This may seem like common sense but the fact of the matter is that not all lawyers are familiar with the legal process and procedures that go on in the court system. If you hire an attorney that lacks this knowledge, he may present your case in a manner that is not in your best interest. This is why it is essential to find an attorney that is familiar with the circuit court of appeals.
Another factor that should be considered when hiring an attorney is whether or not they are a defense attorney. If you are being charged with a criminal offense such as DUI, it is very likely that you will need representation. You would not hire an attorney to defend you in a civil court for the same reason. As stated above, most criminal defense lawyers are not familiar with the criminal appeals process. If you are faced with such a situation, it is best to hire a skilled attorney that has knowledge of the system.
Finally, do not forget to check references. Most attorneys will offer a free consultation to determine whether or not you will be a good fit. During your consult, ask questions about their track record, the law firm that they work at, and the type of cases they have tried successfully. It is also a good idea to check online to find out what past clients have to say about the attorney.
When hiring a qualified, experienced Louisville DUI attorney, there are several things to keep in mind.
Always ask about their legal education and whether or not they received any certification. If they do not, it is best to go with someone who does have this certification. Experience is also important and it is critical to find an attorney that has years of experience defending cases similar to yours. It is also important to research the local criminal defense lawyers to see what kind of reputation they have and how long they have been practicing in this area of the law.