Construction Accident Lawyer

The construction industry stands as the most dangerous industry for workers, with severe personal injuries and high fatalities. About 12 of the 25 most dangerous jobs in America are in construction. The thing is, though, most construction accident cases are more complicated compared to other personal injury cases.

There are several parties involved on a construction site, from employers to vendors, suppliers, and other workers. If you have been involved in a construction accident, identifying which of these parties is at fault and liable can be a challenge. This reason alone makes it imperative to retain a construction accident lawyer.

Once you’ve made the wise decision to hire a professional legal representative, you have to find the right one. How do you sift the wheat from the chaff? By asking all the right questions.

Read on to find out what questions you should ask potential construction accident lawyers.

How Long Have You Been Working as a Construction Lawyer?

Experience and expertise are the most important qualities of a professional construction accident lawyer. The thing is, you need to be more specific and ask how long they have been practicing in the industry. It’s essential for you to hire a lawyer who specializes in construction personal injuries.

You’ll have a lawyer who understands all the laws surrounding construction accidents. They know all the different types of accidents that happen around construction sites. They have in-depth knowledge on how to find evidence to pinpoint the liable party, and how to go about winning a construction accident case.

A lot of lawyers out there are general practitioners who do a little of everything, meaning they may have handled one or two personal injury cases. If this is not the kind of work they do on a day in day out basis, then you’re likely at a disadvantage. To get the best possible results for your construction injury case, you need to find an expert in construction personal injuries.

Who Will Handle My Case?

A lot of times, you find that the lawyer you interview is finally not the one who handles your case. This may not be exactly what you want because you may get a less experienced lawyer. It’s of absolute importance for it to be clear from the word go whether the person you’re talking to will handle your case or delegate it to someone else.

This is more so if you decide to hire an established firm. With multiple lawyers, paralegals, and other staff, you need to be sure the person responsible is experienced.

Additionally, it’s important to know who will be your contact person throughout the case and your communication mode. If you hire a one-person firm, you need to be sure that they will be available for your case and give it maximum attention.

What’s Your Assessment of My Case?

A lot of victims who have undergone severe construction injuries assume that the cases are slam dunk. They assume that they’ll get the compensation they deserve in terms of substantial financial compensation and other benefits. However, accidents are quite different, and it may not be very easy to prove who was liable for your construction injury.

Maybe the particulars of your case make it impossible to go to court. Maybe you are partially at fault for the accident, and it may prove hard to get the insurance company to compensate you fully. This makes it imperative for you to enquire what your potential construction accident lawyer thinks about your case.

Once they look at all the facts of your case and the injuries, they will assess how much your case could be worth and whether it should be pursued in court. This will help you avoid frustration in the long run and leave you with realistic expectations.

How Often Do You Go to Court?

Most personal injury cases settle outside of court. However, sometimes when the liable party is not willing to cooperate, going to court becomes necessary. Ask your lawyer how many times they have gone to court and how many of those times they have won.

Having a lawyer who is not afraid to go to court means that the insurance company will take the case seriously. There’s also a high chance of getting a better settlement. However, when the insurance company realizes that your lawyer is not willing to go to court, they’ll send you lowball offers.

If your lawyer never goes to court and always settles, they’ll accept the lowball offer on your behalf. On the other hand, an expert will decline any mediocre offers and file the case in court. A professional construction accident lawyer will have a track record that you can look at and referrals you can talk to.

What Are Your Fees?

Most personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. This means that you will only pay the lawyer once you obtain your monetary compensation for your construction injury. A professional construction accident attorney may charge about 40% of the settlement amount.

Before settling on one construction accident lawyer, it’s critical for you to read your retainer documents thoroughly. Be wary of vague terms like ‘cheap’ and ask for specific figures, so you’re not exactly where you stand. Ask to get an estimation of all the costs and fees involved to avoid any hidden fees surprising you in the end.

An accident lawyer could talk about “no fee if no recovery,” in which case, you need to understand what they mean. It’s essential for you to understand that fees and costs are two different things. Construction case expenses will cover things like court reporter fees, expert witness fees, and the like.

Every construction accident lawyer handles these fees and costs differently, and they could be quite hefty if you’re not careful. Ask whether you have to cover these costs in advance or whether they will subtract from the settlement as well. Inquire what will happen if they pay for the expenses out-of-pocket then ultimately lose the case.

Do You Have the Resources to Handle My Case?

Some construction lawsuits involve very severe or catastrophic injuries that can be quite expensive to take to court. You might find that your case requires several medical specialists who need to be expert witnesses in your case. All these witnesses need to be paid for, plus a plethora of other things to bring the case together.

If your construction accident lawyer doesn’t have the resources to do it, you could run into problems. They’ll cut corners at your expense and possibly be pressured to take an inadequate settlement when they run out of money or resources. It’s critical for you to have an attorney who has enough financial resources to take the case to trial if necessary.

Hiring the Best Construction Accident Lawyer

If you have recently suffered a construction accident, then it’s only fitting that you hire a professional construction accident lawyer for your case. To find a competent and experienced expert in construction industry cases, it’s important for you to ask all these questions.

Don’t be afraid to ask anything, and no question is too stupid when your life is on the line. A professional construction attorney will be more than willing to accommodate you and reassure you that they are the right candidate

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